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💙 I am beyond thrilled about the possibility of selling my original paintings in a beautiful boutique retail shop/gallery. (Then some of you can see them in person! It’s far better!) I will let you know when and where. I’m not prepared to launch this hobby into a full blown entrepreneurship, but it would be nice to pay for more paint, make room for another selection of finished paintings, and best of all… spread this joy around. The past few years have been rough for most of us. We could all use some extra joy right now! Putting an inventory of cards in real time and space was obviously postponed for awhile. Hopefully things will eventually get up and running, and back to a new ‘normal’. Take care. Spread kindness, not cooties.

💙 Thanks for visiting, hugs and much gratitude if you’re interested in my pretty paintings! Come again, always more Cornflowers in the works. Until then, be joyful, share those smiles with folks around you. Grumps will think you’re crazy, but betcha get some back. :)♡ Susan